Life & Liberty in the Balance
Format: Video Presentation
LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE is a dynamic film whose time has come.
LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE begins with a powerful montage that starkly and succinctly reveals the turning point which we Americans now face to save our Democracy.
LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE highlights the treacherous USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11 that threatens our most fundamental and treasured freedoms as American citizens.
LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE urgently calls upon those who love this country to stand up for the American dream of Liberty and Justice for all. The summons of JFK and Martin Luther King are renewed, and Al Gore's vision for a clean environment and sustainable prosperity (as proposed in his world famous book Earth in the Balance) together with Congressman Dennis Kucinich's vision for a Department of Peace are offered as hope for our Republic.
LIBERTY IN THE BALANCE encourages all responsible citizens to reclaim the power of their vote and to never buy into the blindly accepted platitude that "one person cannot make a difference." Indeed, the strength of one individual can cause a tidal wave of positive change to secure a peaceful future for generations to come.
It carries an open copyright and UNECO authorizes you to freely make copies to distribute to relatives, friends, co-workers, etc.
Approx Run Time 80 mins
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