Tim Wise Speaks On "The Browning of America"
The President's Commission on Affirmative Action (PCAA) announces Tim Wise, author of two best sellers, "White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son," and "Affirmative Action: Racial Preference in Black and White," will be the keynote speaker at Montclair State University's Affirmative Action Day, Wednesday February 7, 2007 at 2:30 p.m., Alexander Kasser Theatre.
No one leaves unaffected by a Tim Wise address.
His searing commentary on American's race problem, institutional racism, affirmative action and reverse discrimination has earned him both praise and rebuke by noted national figures in politics, academic and the entertainment media.
Supporters of Tim Wise, like former Harvard Law School Professor Derrick Bell, note that the fate of the US depends on whites like Tim Wise speaking the truth. And Joe Faegin, Professor of Sociology at Texas A&M call Tim a "rare public intellectual."
As Director of the Association for White Anti-Racist Education (AWARE), Mr. Wise has endeavored to move the discussion of race from that of hype and hyperbole to a thoughtful analysis of the real problems and emotions underlying America’s problem of race.
His views have been shared on over 400 college campuses in over 48 states and, most recently, on Paula Zahn’s news series "Racism in America."
Based on past performances Mr. Wise’s address on "The "Browning" of America: Affirmative Action and Institutional Racism", is sure to be provocative and lead to a lively question and answer session following his address
Run Time:2 Hours 20 Mins
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