Dr. Ray Hagins "Black Mentacide, It Must be Stopped"

  • Format: Video Presentation
  • Title: Dr. Ray Hagins Dr. Ray Hagins "Black Mentacide, It Must be Stopped"

    In this video, Dr. Hagins explains that mentacide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction of the mind of a person or a group, with the ultimate goal being the extirpation (wiping out, pulling up by the root, complete extermination) of the person or the group” (Dr. Bobby Wright).

    Black African people have been under siege for more than 2,000 years by Europeans, Asians, and Arabs.

    The invasions, intrusions, thefts, murders, pillaging, decimation and destruction of African lands, bodies, minds, and spirits over these 2,000 years is the basis for our on-going struggle for African Liberation.
  • Date: ?
  • Location: ?
  • Running Time: Approx 60 Mins
  • Category: History, Science, Religion
  • DVD Only
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