Dr. Llaila Afrika "All Diseases can be Reversed and Cured Naturally"

  • Format: Video Presentation
  • Double DVD Set
  • Title: Dr. Llaila Afrika "All Diseases can be Reversed and Cured Naturally"
  • Date: Sunday Nov, 3rd 2011
  • Location: Marcus Garvey Center

    Dr. Afrika teaches Afrikan Holistic Health and that means we don't treat symptoms we're experiencing nor do we follow the protocols of euro-centric backwardness.

    Holistic health is taking a look at the entire being, The Physical, The Spiritual and The Mental, this way we get a full understanding of whats troubling the temple.

    In this lecture Dr. Afrika clears up Many of the misconceptions we have about how our bodies operate and where these mixed up views originated.

    Approx Length: 3 hours
  • Quality: Good
  • Category: Nutrition, Disease & Racism
  • VHS & DVD
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