Betrayal by any other Name... DVD

What the traditional Black leaders will never tell us...

Betrayal By Any Other Name systematically answers the controversial question of who truly speaks for African Americans and Hispanic Americans.

Over 800 attention-riveted pages beginning in Africa before and through the terror of slavery, Civil War reconstruction, Civil Rights and Black Nationalism. A similar treatment is presented in the evolution of Hispanic leadership couched in little known historical facts about Aztec and Mayan civilizations, how the west was-really won, and how Hispanic leadership came into existence. Probabilities are probed for future Black Brown coalitions and cooperation as the two groups grow to comprise the-majority of America. Many penetrating insights and ideas are presented, a few of which are:

The application of the psychological phenomena "multiple personality disorder" to African-Americans as "group multiple personality disorder".

Significant Islamic influences on the development and growth of the fiery nationalist leader, Marcus Garvey.

The meteoric rise and philosophy of a former slave and one of-the wealthiest Blacks in the history of America, Paul Cuffe.

A practical approach for community self-help efforts-toward an about-face in school drop-outs, crime, incarceration, drugs, etc. which has reached crisis status in the Black community according to the most-recent annual report of the National Urban League
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