Electromagnetic Pollution and Weaponry DVD
Format: Video Presentation
Title: Electromagnetic Pollution and Weaponry
For millions of years, life evolved on an earth where the natural background level of radio frequency radiation (RFR) had been very low. Over the last hundred years, the explosion in wireless technologies like radio, TV radar and microwave has amplified your everyday RFR exposure levels by at least ten thousand times.
In the U.S. alone, the numbers of cell towers, broadcast towers and wireless Internet antennas are increasing rapidly with over 114 million Americans now using cell phones.
A whopping 65,000 cell phones are sold each day in the U.S. alone. Worldwide, there are estimated to be almost 1 billion users of cell phones.
It's not surprising then that around the world, growing numbers of citizens, scientists and public officials are beginning to ask: Just what are the human health and environmental effects of the "wireless revolution"?
This video is a collection of news reports and testimonies of various "Experts" on the dangers of Cellphone & Electromagnetic radiation.
Date: ?
Run Time: Approx 2hrs
Category: Science, Cell Phone & Electromagnetic radiation
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