Great Harlem Debate "Is Hip Hop Good for Black People?" DVD
Format: Video Presentation
Triple DVD Set
Title: Great Harlem Debate "Is Hip Hop Good for Black People?" DVD
This was a debate that occurred on March 15, 2009 at Salem church in Harlem, NY
It featured several notables from the community who argued pro an con on the subject of Hip Hop and it's value to black people.
Each Panelist was limited to eight minutes to make their case.
Partial List of speakers:
Marc Imhotep Cray MD
Shango Black
Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz
Minister Paul Scott
Basir Mchawi
Mary Alice Miller
Rev Conrad Tillard
Amadi Ajamu
Pam Africa
Abioduu Oyewole
Tulani Kinard
Bob Law
Tayiqqa Haden
Kazembe Batts
Run Time Approx 4 1/2 hrs
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