The Brother From Another Planet
The Brother is an alien who has crash-landed on Earth, in New York City. While mute, strongly empathic, and able to fix things, he resembles a Black man with strange feet. His attempt to make a place for himself in Harlem is an allegory for the immigrant experience in the United States. Meanwhile, two bounty hunters from the Brother's home planet arrive and try to capture him.
Starring: Joe Morton, Daryl Edwards,
Director: John Sayles
Format: Color, NTSC
Rated: R
Not for sale to persons under age 18.
Studio: Fox Home Entertainment
Video Release Date: August 30, 1990
John Sayles wrote what he thought could be a cheap, quick little movie and it turned out to be this near classic, which blends fish-out-of-water comedy with trenchant and serious science fiction.
Run Time: 109 Minutes
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