Germany's Black Hoalcaust 1890-1945 DVD
In the early 1900s Blacks were tortured in German concentration camps in Southwest Africa (now called Namibia) when Adolph Hitler was only a child. Colonial German doctors conducted unspeakable medical experiments on these emaciated helpless Africans decades before such atrocities were ever visited upon the Jews.
Thousands of Africans were massacred. Regrettably, historians neglected to properly register the slaughter—that is, to lift it from the footnote in history that it had been relegated to—until a full century later. After devoting 30 years of his life studying and researching this fascinating subject, in 2003 Dr. Firpo W. Carr attempted to give the incidents their rightful recognition in the historical context of the Holocaust by authoring the runaway bestseller Germany’s Black Holocaust: 1890–1945, now out of print. In the original version he revealed the startling hidden history of Black victims of the Holocaust. The mayhem and carnage date back to the turn of the 20th century, many years before there were ever any other unfortunate victims—Jew or Gentile—of the Holocaust.
Run Time: Approx 2Hrs
DVD Only
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