Obatala in Praise

Video; Ifayemi Elebuibon - A documentary portraying Obatala's worship in Yorubaland, Nigeria. This work demonstrates the propitiation of Obatala through music, dance, recitations of his Oriki (praise name) and sacrifice.

One of the most important gods of the Nigerian Yoruba people. With his sister Odudua he forms the primordial pair of gods. He is the creator of the human body in which his father Olorun breathes the soul. Since Obatala, under influence of palm wine, created crippled people he became the patron god of the handicapped. He is the god of the north. In Umbandism, Obatala is the sky-god of the Orisha pantheon, the first Orisha to be created. In Santeria he is the equivalent of the Catholic saint Our Lady of Mercy.
  • Obatala is King of the Orisha because of his great AGE
  • Obatala is the creator and the shaper of human beings
  • Obatala is the Father of Wisdom
  • Obatala demands and sanctions high morality
  • Obatala rules the head
  • Obatala is the father of insanity
  • Obatala remains calm in the mist of chaos
  • DVD & VHS
  • approx run time 90 mins
  • Quality Rating Scale: 1 = Worst 10 = Best
  • Picture Quality " 6 "
  • Sound Quality " 8 "
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